Red had been given instructions on what footage of the prank to upload and had promised not to say anything. We burst into a fit of giggles as we left the office without the others noticing. Max glared at them and as they shrunk back from his gaze, he slowly turned around grabbed my ankle and began dragging me past the office and around the corner. Adam screeched and hid behind Ross who was looking pretty terrified himself. Max stood hunched over me, panting slightly before quickly turning to the office and growling.

Trying not to blink, I struggeled to keep a straight face as the guys jaws dropped as they saw me "dead". Ross and Adam ran to the window after hearing the thud. I quickly applied more fake blood that Max had handed me before struggling in Max's arms for a while as he made snarling and growling noises. After another five minuets of Max and I's fabulous acting a flopped to the ground, dramatically dying. I almost laughed as I heard not so manly screams from the guys in the office. This game plays like a dream, only a few fps drops when you render a new area. I managed to grasp the door handle but "accidentally" slammed the door shut as Max pulled me away from the office. Amazing game Still in early access, to be this good and still adding significant functions is astounding. Once he was within arms reach I screamed and lunged towards the door handle desperately trying to get into the room. Be it lore, creatures, items, or resources, theres still plenty of secrets in Sector Zero.

But with so many secrets, theres a high chance that players may have missed one or two hidden, subtle things scattered about the waters. Adam had run into my office, and as I approached the office I purposely slowed down allowing Max to catch up to me. Related: Subnautica: Below Zero Every Leviathan And Where To Find Them. Adam took a sharp left into an open doorway the others and myself quickly following his lead. Footsteps thundered behind us, followed by an ominous growl. note The terraforming feature is also the reason behind the extensive graphical pop-in that is cited by many as Subnautica ’s biggest flaw UW hard-coded the terrain in layers to make terraforming easier. I sprinted through the office hallways after Adam, Ross and Barney. Players with old Early Access saves will still retain the chunks of land removed or added to their game, although the updated map can make bases inaccessible.